One thing we have noticed about our developer community is how welcoming it is. As we’ve been chatting with many of you, we can’t help but feel excited at the energy surrounding what we all do, and how willing everyone is to participate.
In line with this, we’re excited to welcome another Forcelandian to our team, straight out of the RAD Women Who Code program: Leslie Gestautas! Last year was her first visit to Forcelandia, and she admits she was smitten. She’s focusing on a stellar Admineloper track, as well as managing aspects of our social media.
“My Salesforce life kicked off and flourished for 7 years in Chicago, and I was really hoping that I’d find a new branch of my supportive Ohana family here, too. I stepped out of my comfort zone to attend this developer conference shortly after completing the RAD Women Who Code class (and I gotta admit I was nervous about it) , but Forcelandia was even better than I could have imagined!””
Leslie particularly appreciates the accessibility of so many seasoned developers – right along with the newbies. The opportunity to ask questions and push the boundaries of her own thinking was amazing, ans she only wishes she had attended sooner!”
Leslie’s so enamored that she not only joined our team – she’ll be welcoming the Adminelopers herself this year as a speaker! We’ve discovered that she has no problem “keeping code weird” with us – turns out “weird” was her middle name. Coincidence? We think not.
There’s still time to register and join Leslie, and us – just click right here.