As Forcelandia cruises into our 4th year, we are excited to share that we have added a new person to our intrepid team: Simon Goodyear, Salesforce MVP and Salesforce Technical Architect at Oodle Finance, from Wiltshire, England. Some of you may recognize his name from another excellent community conference – London’s Calling! Like our awesome Evan Johnson, who originally hails from Snowforce, we now have that much more experience in bringing you the best event ever!

While Simon is a favorite, repeat speaker at Forcelandia, I asked why he was interested in being a part of our steering committee, mostly to see if the answer would include more than “Oregon wine”, and it did! Said Simon, “Salesforce community conferences are run by the community for the community but Forcelandia goes one step further; by developers for developers and in that respect is unique around the world and that I really want to be involved with – not just as an attendee.”
He went on to mention that he has always respected and admired the Forcelandia team, and recalled how he was “turning to the team for advice when we decided to set up London’s Calling. How could I turn down an opportunity to work with my heroes?”
While we are dry-cleaning our capes to live up to Simon’s view of us, in the meantime, he has capably stepped up to be the lead for our fantastic Forcelandia speakers. With his deep programmatic and instructional experience, we think he is a natural fit as we work to deliver a valuable developer conference full of technical content.
Simon closed with, “I’m excited to bring my learnings from London to try and help make the event even more awesome than it already is. Plus, Angela told me I had to do it or I wouldn’t get my pie.”
And pie he shall have! If you are a Forcelandia Speaker, be ready to do whatever Simon Says (and I can just feel his eye roll at that from across the pond…).
Welcome to the team, Simon – so glad to have you! And if you are still interested in submitting, we have a few spots left so submit now!
Follow him on Twitter: @simongoodyear